Posted by : Laroy Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

-This Hack is for free users
-This Hack is for new character only
-Frosty Hairstyle is Free and Permanent
-Premium User is Temporary

-Emblem Hack (to buy Emblem Items in Shop -> Permanent)
-Frosty Hairstyle Hack (Free and Permanent)

Tools Required




1. Open fiddler
2. Goto autoresponder tab & tick:
i) enable autoresponse
ii) unmatched requests passthrough
3. Now open hack files you downloaded -> 'Frosty Hairstyle Hack [for new character]'
4. Open folder
5. Now drag the swf file ( i.e. data_library_en.swf ) into the bar below autoresponder
6. Click clear cache in fiddler
7. Now clear your browser's cache:

i) goto options
ii) under the hood
iii) clear browsing data
iv) tick cache & untick others (history etc)
v) clear browsing data

For Mozillia:
i) Goto tools
ii) Clear private data/recent history
iii) tick cache & untick others (history etc)
iv) Click clear now

NOTE: Set the time range for clear cache for 1 day if you have already opened ninja saga atleast once in your browser otherwise No need to clear browser's cache if you haven't played ninja saga today.

8. NOW open ninja saga
9. Now You are an Emblem Player (Enjoy all Premium User Features) -> Create a New Character
10. Select Frosty Hairstyle and click Create!
Now your new character will have Frosty Hairstyle Permanent

jadi om dari share di atas sekaligus tutor hack emblem , agan bisa buat char 6 sekaligus.. tapi kalo mau pake char yg ke 6/5nya harus di pakai sama cheat nya, di fb orang char agan ada 6 tapi di fb kita cuma 1 kecuali cheat nya di pakai!! so enjoy

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